BMF-GNK-A01 Droid (31)Full unit name: BMF-GNK-A01 Droid
Last updated: 25.08.2024 13:53:43
Navigation (5)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (32)
The Cold War (1) »
  • Justicar Surveillance Droids used L4 Rifle
Takeover of the Old Galactic Market (1) »
Esseles incident (3) »
Raid on Emperor's Glory (1) »
Crisis in Galactic City (2) »
The Freightskippers (2) »
Trouble in Deed (3) »
Race the Devil (1) »
Recruitment into Coruscant Aegis (1) »
Operation Midnight Freedom (1) »
Makem Te Assault (1) »
Assault on Balosar Outpost (1) »
Beryl's Bargain (1) »
Mission to the ChemWorks Factory (5) »
The Vault (1) »
Nar Shaddaa Landing (1) »
One Fell Swoop (6) »
See also
Known sub-models or named units
ISS-994 Prototype Power Droid
Known users
Black Sun
The Freightskippers (Loader Droids)
Justicars' Brigade
Show all (2)DetailsThe Cold War (Surveillance Droids)Trouble in Deed (Reprogramed Labor Droids)
Kintan Kings
One Fell Swoop (Repair Bots)
Roles - show all (2)RolesMaintenanceTechnician
Migrant Merchants' Guild
Crisis in Galactic City (Guild Lifter Droids)
Known for traveling on the following ships as passengers
Voidhound's XS Freighter
Known weaponry & equipment
H1 Heavy Blaster
Esseles incident
SSK Heavy Blaster (L9)
One Fell Swoop
L4 Rifle
The Cold War
Wrist-mounted Flamer
Trouble in Deed
L1 Assault Cannon
Trouble in Deed
Grapple Gun
Mission to the ChemWorks Factory
H2 Heavy Electroblade
Raid on Emperor's Glory
L3 Electroblade
Show all (3)DetailsCrisis in Galactic CityThe FreightskippersMission to the ChemWorks Factory
Corrosive Grenade
Mission to the ChemWorks Factory
Repair Probe
One Fell Swoop
Shield Probe
One Fell Swoop
Personal Energy Shield
Mission to the ChemWorks Factory
Electrowave Generator
Mission to the ChemWorks Factory
TWM Datapad 3
One Fell Swoop
One Fell Swoop
Complete list

Full unit name: BMF-GNK-A01 Droid Last updated: 25.08.2024 13:53:43